
  • Robert Tillich Northside House

    Q&A with Robert Tillich

    When did you decide writing was something you wanted to do? From about the age of 16. My family travelled around a lot when we were younger – my British-Italian father was in the army – and that seemed to give me permission to have an unusual sort of life. He was interested in literature…

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  • Emily Prescott Northside House

    Q&A with Emily Prescott

    Can you talk a bit about the day to day nature of editing a Diary. How do you find your stories and what the column means to you? You need to find lots of scandals and stories about famous people. And, here’s the ever-exhausting challenge: We need to regale our readers with entirely new information….

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  • Paul Joyce Northside House

    Q&A with Paul Joyce

    When did you first go to Stonehenge? Did you get the bug immediately? My parents bought a cottage in a small Cornish village close to Port Isaac in the 1960s and we would drive in our Morris Minor down the A303 past Stonehenge which was then protected by a single ribbon of wire 18 inches…

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  • Patrick Crowder Northside House

    Q&A with Patrick Crowder

    So Blue Tick: can you tell us about the concept of the book. Blue Tick is about the way we communicate, and how that communication is changing. Specifically, it’s about the way that social media and instant communication can affect the way that we feel about ourselves, those we love, and the world around us….

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