My Name is Fitzroy Malcolm

My Name is Fitzroy Malcolm. Joseph Ayodele. Northside House

Fitzroy Malcolm is the best British boxer you’ve never heard of.

Fitzroy Malcolm doesn’t exist; yet anyone who is anyone in British boxing knows who he is.

In what is one of the most shameful secrets in British boxing history, Fitzroy Malcolm’s story exposes a corrupt group, whose members were senior figures in British Boxing organisations and active members of London organised crime.

How they deliberately framed an innocent man, for a crime that sent him to prison. How they destroyed his life and erased all trace of him to allow ‘The Chosen One’, a boxer funded and backed by the group and whose future success as British middleweight champion had, at the time, the largest monetary value ever gambled on a sporting event in British gambling history.

The story is shocking, sickening and tragic, reaching into all corners of boxing and pointing fingers at all those complicit.

Never heard of Fitzroy Malcolm? Now you know his name.