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  • Jayne Swinton Northside House

    Q&A with Jayne Swinton

    Was it always literature? What was it that led you into writing? I think it would be stretching it a bit to call it Literature. As soon as I could read I just consumed anything and everything, starting with the contents of the bookcase in the dining room read end to end; mostly Readers Digest…

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  • Lindsey Mellon Northside House

    Q&A with Lindsey Mellon

    Anyone reading Straw Man will think its author must be a former spy. But I don’t think you are – not that you’d tell me if you had been? No, because then, sadly, I’d have to shoot you.   How did you go about doing your research for the book? I delved into the explosion…

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  • Omar Sabbagh Northside House

    Q&A with Omar Sabbagh

    The main thing I’d say about you as a writer is you’re quite incredibly productive. Books, poems, stories, essays, seem to flow from you more or less all day long. Has it always come easy? The first thing to say is that I write too much, which means, from a different angle of approach, that…

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